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Targeted by meat eaters.

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July 15, 2008
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My own family makes fun of me because I'm veg. They say things like "Well since you can't eat anything anymore.." It really bugs the crap out of me, and they know it does

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`I have been a vegetarian for 15 years and I recently upgraded (or as some people would like to say "downgraded") my lifestyle to Vegan so I know exactly how you feel and there really is no reason you should have to defend yourself against simple minded people, even if it is your family. Tape a food pyramid to your refrigerator, If your a vegetarian then really there's only one food group your missing out on and your healthier without it. Maybe a visual will help them. You should read the book skinny B----. The chapters about meat and what they do to the animals before and after they slaughter them will really make you A LOT more confident in your decision to be a veg and its actually the reason why now I am a vegan.

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November 5, 2008
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`The thing that has always been a surprise to me is that people are threatened by vegetarians. I have never understood why meat eaters feel threatened by us and want to attack. It always amuses me that people react so aggressively to someone who is different. It's sad if you think about it....

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July 5, 2010
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`I would say the same.....
I dont know why is it so "stupid" to them when someone dont want to eat meat?
And why is it so repulsive if someone dont want to treat an animal like a walking meat, but like a living being! Why is it so hard to understand it to someones???
People dont like changes.....they like to be just one more sheep in a herd! Nobody likes a black sheep ....but they dont know that we need blacks sheeps,because blacks sheeps makes differences in future life....

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September 12, 2010
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`Yeah, I can't stand it when people act like that, or when they say stuff like "for every animal you don't eat, I'm gonna eat two."

I also hate when people try to tell me that there's not point in being a vegetarian because it doesn't save any animals. Really annoying.

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This thread il----rates why those of us who became vegan/vegetarian in order to help end animal cruelty need to stick together. There aren't many of us, especially in the case of those like me who are vegan, but the few of us there are who do this simply because we believe that it is unjust and unnecessary for humans to harm animals are a special bunch indeed. I salute all of you who have made such a compassionate choice and I am extremely proud to share this world with you and to be the same species as you. Don't ever forget that what makes us human is our divine human brain and that very mind which gives us the ability to reason and imagine the impossible also gives us a sense of justice, of right and wrong, and it gives us the ability to make kind and compassionate choices. When you use your mind to the best of your abilities you are truly living up to your ultimate potential as human beings. That is something that your beastial, beer guzzling, meat eating, shells-of-a-human-being counterparts will never understand let alone aspire to reach or be.

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July 16, 2011
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`Don't let the negativity get to you - Walk in the light & smile (@ yourself) for caring.

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April 16, 2012
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`I find it ironic that meat eaters speak of vegetarian dishes in a negative manner, but when meat and vegetarian dishes are ordered sided by side for an event, the meat eaters go right for the vegetarian dishes and say, "Wow, this is delicious!".

They love vegetarian dishes, but want to reflect negatively on them when you mention a vegetarian dish.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Teach by example. If you show yourself to be a happy and healthy vegetarian who is confident in your decision...then the comments will decrease. They may even become interested in a while because they want to be more like you.

Make a big deal out of the food you cook and how delicious it is. They'll eventually realize that there is no point in trying to make you feel bad about your decision and leave you alone.

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August 7, 2012
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`I was told online the other night that the reason I am ill is because I don't eat meat... The poster couldn't understand that I'd be a lot worse if I wasn't veggie. Why do flesh eaters feel so threatened by us?

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Posted:     Post subject:

[quote="shanoodleTape a food pyramid to your refrigerator, If your a vegetarian then really there's only one food group your missing out on and your healthier without it. Maybe a visual will help them.
Better yet, tape the vegetarian food pyramid to the fridge. That way they see a complete food pyramid without any meat, and without any missing food groups.

This discussion makes me remember our fallen bretheren -- "fallen" from the veg lifestyle, that is. "Post-vegetarians," they call themselves. Yet those I have met, when I ask them the reasons why they went back, give answers no more enlightened than what you hear from close-minded meat eaters: it tends to be some variation of "I like meat." Well, sure you do; our ancestors evolved to like meat the same as they evolved to like sugar and salt. But liking sugar is not a reason for me to make it the center of my diet -- not if I want to maintain a healthy weight, cavity-free teeth, and a balanced blood sugar. "I like meat" is not an enlightened reason.

Live was I ere I saw evil
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Well, the reality is that most people will never become full-fledged vegetarians, although there does appear to be a growing acceptance (small steps, but still steps) of those who choose this way of eating. Look, some people just like meat and have no desire to give it up; others are curious about it (like I was for a long time, before I actually did it), but feel like they won't be able to adjust to a meat-free diet. Still others (like people doing certain athletic sports, or people with illnesses that make it difficult to process veg stuff) are sold on the notion that they absolutely have to have meat every day, or else they'll just wither away.
Not everybody's going to do what we do, and proselytizing or looking down our noses at them is only going to put them on the defense. It's a tricky slope, but for me the key is, hey I do what I do, and you do what you do, and there can be some kind of mutual respect (or at least an unspoken agreement) that we don't see eating, diet, fitness etc, the same way but we can still be friendly and respectful with each other. It can happen... ;)

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`Seems when the Universe came to be, some still wanted to sleep, thus there's some (can be said) who deny the intrinsic unconditional love that is be vegetarian.

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